Best consultant tweets from last night’s debate
There was plenty of real-time spin that came across C&E’s Twitter feed during last night’s debate.
The short version: Dem consultants were a hell of a lot happier Tuesday night, and Republicans don’t really like Candy Crowley.
Some of the best consultant tweets from last night:
OH!POTUS: “I don’t look at my pensions as much as yours.Yours is much bigger so it takes longer.” #debate
— Paul Begala (@PaulBegala) October 17, 2012
How awesome that Mitt is getting his butt kicked on National Boss’ Day? #BFLdebate #debate
— Jason Stanford (@JasStanford) October 17, 2012
Romney mishandled Libya as much as he mishandled his trip to England. He should have gone to diplomacy school instead of HBS.
— Tad Devine (@taddevine) October 17, 2012
Crowley picking softballs for Obama, picking hardballs for Romney. Is Obama going to be asked a hard question? #debate
— Glen Bolger (@posglen) October 17, 2012
Candy, we’re keeping track, too.Obama 15:01 (and counting) vs. Romney 14:18. #debate2012
— David Almacy (@almacy) October 17, 2012
As for who came out on top…
I say that was a draw, and the big losers were the voters– especially as the debate went on. #2012debate #debates
— Liz Mair (@LizMair) October 17, 2012
Democrats will be enthused again. Romney didn’t hurt himself with base, but didn’t help with the few undecideds.
— John Weaver (@JWGOP) October 17, 2012
Tonight’s winner? Long Island accents…
— mike murphy (@murphymike) October 17, 2012
Also, this seems like something the Commission on Presidential Debates should really consider…
I’m telling you, the Giant Fighting Robot debate format is going to be awesome.
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) October 17, 2012