Can Texting Help Under-Funded Campaigns Close the Gap?

By next week, eight states from South Dakota to Virginia will have begun early voting with more opening up in their windows the first week of October. In other words, it’s GOTV time.
And after some hiccups with early voting (see 2020), some Republican practitioners believe this is an opportunity for campaigns to make strategic investments to help close the gap with a better-funded opponent.
In fact, texting may be the optimal channel to do just that. Unlike email, texting remains an unsaturated channel, and while people may not pick up a robocall they will look at a message on their phone. Or at least that’s how Sarah Porter, director of messaging operations at GOP texting vendor RumbleUp, sees it.
“With many GOP campaigns being outspent, they can level the playing field with effective GOTV texts that leverage AB/EV data to ensure they’re giving voters the contextual information they need based on their voting timeline,” she told C&E.
So what do you send your list to get them off their couch and into their local polling place?
“In general, memorable graphics and targeted video perform best and cost less than other less-transparent channels,” Porter said.