Don’t Leave Your Fundraising on Autopilot During GOTV

What is one thing we see campaigns forget that costs them victory? Forgetting to add GOTV language to their fundraising appeals.
We can look back and directly see that campaigns that continue to push strictly fundraising have a higher chance of losing. This was especially true in multiple 2022 races where no digital persuasion ads went into effect, but the campaign’s fundraising ads expanded, even out of state.
While now is one of, if not the, best times to raise money, we cannot forget that the goal of the campaign is to win.
That is why at my firm, we work with each of our GOP clients to integrate the correct GOTV language into their fundraising campaigns. Whether it’s asking people to donate to support volunteers, asking to fund the latest TV ad, or pushing for a ballot chase program, adding in a line or two is so simple.
Even if you don’t have a campaign to add that language to, there are other areas that work: in your disclaimer, on your WinRed “Thank You for Donating” email, upsells, or pop-ups on your website.
To be even more specific, this heavily applies to your email, text, or ad lists. For out-of-state or out-of-district, you should continue to run your best fundraising appeals.
Here are three simple and effective ways to combine your fundraising and GOTV:
- Offer yard signs or bumper stickers to supporters in the area you’re campaigning. People want something tangible, and now you can use this to send them to your campaign store to make a donation, and you’ll get free advertising out of it.
- Take your campaign ad and ask your supporters to forward the link to friends and family. The video should be hosted on your donation page, with your call to action asking people to donate to help boost it further.
- Record a video of your candidate either knocking on doors or stuffing envelopes, asking voters to help spread their message and using the $x = # of doors knocked or envelopes stuffed.
Ken Mika, is a father, CEO at Politicoin and RNC alum. Former Director of Email Marketing for the Republican National Committee and Trump Campaign, Ken has played an integral role in the party’s online fundraising ability.