Social dining network rolls out fundraising platform
Is that $2,500-a-plate fundraiser a bit out of your price range? Then why not organize and host your own fundraising dinner for your favorite candidate or cause? It’s exactly what the social dining platform Grubwithus hopes to encourage through a new partnership with Democracy Engine.
Launched in 2010, the idea behind Grubwithus is essentially social networking — offline. The company lists dinner offerings on its website where people can purchase a ticket to group meals at participating restaurants, potentially meeting some new friends in the process.
The next goal: using Grubwithus dinners to foster political conversation and offer ordinary supporters and activists the chance to host their own fundraising events.
Through the company’s Table Talks Platform a supporter can pick a venue, determine the menu, set the minimum donation and recipient of the contributions. Attendees can then reserve their seat online via the Grubwithus booking platform — Democracy Engine handles the compliance side. Check out the platform here.