American Bridge lauches Koch bros. oppo arm

American Bridge PAC is setting up a rapid-response project dedicated to the Koch brothers that could become a model for opposition research in the digital age.
The effort has three full-time staffers, a website and its launch included a TV spot.
“We’re going to do some really deep-dive research into Koch industries and related entities and their businesses practices,” David Brock, the Democratic group’s chairman, told Politico. “And at the end of the day what we’re going to show is that the Kochs are leaders of a freakish ideological cult that is designed to rig the system to their benefit and to rob Americans of Social Security and decent wages.”
American Bridge has been one of the top opposition research groups in the last couple cycles. For instance, they famously caught former Rep. Todd Aiken’s (R-Mo.) “legitimate rape” comment in 2012.