Batman for Governor: An Advertiser’s Dream?
Val Kilmer is talking about running for governor of New Mexico. We asked some top consultants to dream up the ads they’d make for him. Here are some of their ideas. Join the conversation—let us know what kind of ad you would run for (or against) Kilmer.Christie Findlay, our own editor-in-chief:
In front of a black screen, the Joker smiles right at the camera. It’s pretty close in on his face. “I know Batman,” he sneers. “Batman fights for poor people. He knows how to treat a lady. He’d fly an airplane to thwart me. You? Used a stunt double in ‘Top Gun.’ Glorified drug-fuelled sex in ‘The Doors.’ Made $3 million to run around in a cape. Your director called you over paid and over privileged. People of Gotham: I may hate him, but I’d vote Batman for governor. Val Kilmer—you are no Batman.”
Bud Jackson, Democrat, The Jackson Group:
The video opens with dark images of sad-looking, unemployed people superimposed with video of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney Text on screen: Have they won? Voiceiver: In a world of high unemployment, people without health care and a depression that threatens our very society… Has all been lost? Who can we call? Who can save New Mexico from the evil that remains? Cut to Van Kilmer with audio hit. Van Kilmer: “I’m Batman!” Voiceover: Coming soon.
Rob Aho, Republican, BrabenderCox:
In this economy, all he needs to do is show footage from “The Doors” statewide on the night before the election. Right now, people want to think about anything other than the economy, and what better movie to take your mind off reality than “The Doors”? He’s a big name. That automatically makes him a player.
Julian Mulvey, Democrat, Devine Mulvey:
With the economy tanking so severely, just about anything is possible at any level of government. People are looking around for new faces. Enter: The Iceman. “Val Kilmer: The Outsider the Insiders are afraid of.”