Best Consultant Tweets from the Second Presidential Debate
The fireworks weren't just on the debate floor. Here's a round up of the best tweets from campaign professionals during the second presidential debate.
NAM's comms director faced a big problem.
Not enough bourbon on Earth to make this #debate bearable. Here we go.
— Sam Nathews (@SamNathews_PR) October 10, 2016
About that non-handshake.
Would you shake Trump's hand? All I'd be thinking is "what pussy did he just grab?"
— Liz Mair (@LizMair) October 10, 2016
Words, words everywhere.
Trump offering campaign message word salad. #debates
— Margie Omero (@MargieOmero) October 10, 2016
Thanksgivings are alway entertaining at Patrick Ruffini's house.
Trump is the voice of your Fox News viewing uncle who wonders why no one has the guts to really stick it to Hillary.
— Patrick Ruffini (@PatrickRuffini) October 10, 2016
Sarah Isgur Flores was impressed with Baldwin's debate prep.
Alec Baldwin would be doing a better job tonight. By a lot. #debate2016
— Sarah Isgur Flores (@whignewtons) October 10, 2016
PredictWise's David Rothschild wants to get Trump onto an exchange.
Maybe Trump needs #Obamacare? Worried about these sniffles he gets during the debates. #debate
— David Rothschild (@DavMicRot) October 10, 2016
Maybe Brazillian Ju Jitsu?
It's gotta be really hard to debate prep for free-form crazy. #debates
— Adriel Hampton (@adrielhampton) October 10, 2016
270 Strategies partner is in favor of extreme vetting.
I wish the Republican Party practiced extreme vetting. We wouldn't have to watch fuckface lie all day/night if they had. #mitchfacts
— Mitch Stewart (@Mitch_Stewart) October 10, 2016
Clinton's foreign policy spokesperon doesn't sit on the fence.
hey, @realDonaldTrump – regarding your claim that Captain Khan would be alive if you were president:
go fuck yourself.#debate
— Jesse Lehrich (@JesseLehrich) October 10, 2016
Former Boehner press secretary Michael Steel saw Dolly and Kenny.
"Island in the stream, that is what we are .."— Michael Steel (@michael_steel) October 10, 2016