Campaigns & Elections Launches iPad Application
Campaigns & Elections, the nation’s leading publication for political professionals, is proud to debut its application designed especially for the iPad. Featuring the latest coverage from this fall and an exclusive selection of additional multimedia content, the Campaigns & Elections iPad application is now available for free in the iTunes store.
“Technology is revolutionizing campaigns,” said Costas Panagopoulos, Ph.D., executive editor of Campaigns & Elections, “and now it is revolutionizing how we inform and connect political professionals.”
Through this exciting new platform, Campaigns & Elections will offer its monthly content—reporting on developments in political management, strategy and execution—in ways that transcend the boundaries of print. Developed with the media-savvy iPad user in mind, the applications provides readers with a robust digital publishing experience.
The iPAD application will ultimately provide exclusive departments to cover notable trends in the political profession, bolstered by additional resources that can be accessed on demand with a simple screen tap. Along with new sections, the iPad edition presents the high-caliber information political profesisonals expect from Campaigns & Elections in a visually stunning, interactive design.
“Digital media has changed the publishing model for the better, and we’re excited to be at the forefront of this trend,” said Mike Hennessy, Chairman and CEO of MJH & Associates, the publisher of Campaigns & Elections. “Political campaign professionals now have at their fingertips all the great content from the industry leader—and they can use it to access our interactive content no matter where they go. We’re excited to be among the first publishers to bring this technology to the industry.”