Everything (Old) Is New Again
This month marks an unofficial shift in political focus from the president’s primary policy initiative—healthcare reform—to the highly anticipated midterm elections that many believe will be a significant turning point in American politics.
Our coverage, while always focused on the developments that impact winning elections, will over the next few months be particularly focused on the trends and strategies driving this particular election. One of the things that make covering politics so rewarding is the rate of change around successful campaign strategies. What worked four years ago might be obsolete today, and what works in this election might tell us very little about what the next cycle holds.
For example, if you look back to our coverage from 2006, you’ll find no mention of the start up Twitter. If you’re campaigning in 2010 and you don’t have a Twitter strategy, your campaign doesn’t stand a chance. You’ll notice a corresponding change in the frequency of the appearance of Twitter’s little blue bird, now ubiquitous across the publishing landscape—and also the focus of our Down Home Digital column.
On seemingly the opposite end of the technology spectrum, this issue looks at the long-time campaign stalwart direct mail, including Senior Editor Shane D’Aprile’s in-depth look at the high price of money, and an engaging roundtable on what has changed in the old-school strategy of direct mail. Our panelists have an interesting take on the rumored demise of direct mail that will bring to mind one of the more notable quotes by Mark Twain.
Leading us into our next phase of coverage is media veteran Paul Plawin, who recently succeeded Jordan Lieberman as publisher of Politics. Paul has some big shoes to fi ll, but his wealth of media experience and his deep knowledge of the Washington political scene should help him make the transition smoothly.
Paul recently served as director of sales for RealClearPolitics.com, a Forbes Digital property, and he was also associate publisher of Governing magazine for many years. His experience and vision will help propel the next phase of growth for Politics.
Please join me in welcoming Paul to the team. I encourage you to share your comments about our coverage with him at pplawin@politicsmagazine.com.
Thank you for reading.
Mike Hennessy