Minnesota Influencers Web Links
Top 10 Republicans Tim Pawlenty-Governor of Minnesota Michele Bachmann-Michele Bachmann for Congress Robert Cummins- CEO of Primera Technology Vin Weber- A D.C. based lobbyist Tom Emmer-Emmer for Governor Norm Coleman-U.S. Senator John Kline-Congressman John Kline Representing Minnesota’s 2nd district Michael Brodkorb-Brodkorb for MN GOP Deputy Chair Bill Cooper-CEO of TCF Bank Kurt Zellers- State Representative Top 10 Democrats Amy Klobuchar-Senator Amy Klobuchar Jim Oberstar -Congressman James L. Oberstar Mark Dayton- Mark Dayton for Governor Alida Messinger-Democratic Party Donor Al Franken-Al Franken, U.S. Senator, Minnesota R.T. Rybak- Mayor of Minneapolis Larry Pogemiller-The Majority Leader of Minnesota’s Senate Tom Dooher- The Executive Director of Education Minnesota Collin Peterson –Congressman Collin Peterson, Minnesota’s 7th district Tony Sertich –Tony Sertich, State Representative Minnesota Influencers Tim Flaherty-Lobbyist for cities in rural Minnesota Chris Coleman-Mayor of St. Paul Tom Horner-Tom Horner for Governor 2010 Scott Fischbach- Executive Director of the anti-abortion group, Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life Dick Cohen- Chair of the Senate Finance Committee Stanley Hubbard-Owns the ABC affiliate of Twin Cities Tom Bakk –Chair of the Senate Taxes Committee Betty McCollum-Congresswoman Betty McCollum Eliot Seide – Head of the AFSCME Council 5 Linda Berglin –Chair of the Senate Health and Human Services budget division Erik Paulsen-Congressman Erik Paulsen, Minnesota’s 3rd district Vance Opperman-Democratic Party Donor Jeff Larson- Political Consultant David Senjem-Minority Leader of the Minnesota Senate Charlie Weaver-Heads the Minnesota Business Partnership Tim Walz – Tim Walz for U.S. Congress Brian Melendez-Chair of the Democratic Farmer Labor Party Cullen Sheehan-Campaign Manager for Tom Emmer Walter Mondale-Former Vice President of the United States Tim Owens-CEO of Voyager Bank Andy Kozak-Minnesota Lobbyist Keith Ellison-Congressman Keith Elllison Phil Krinkie- President of the Tax Payers League of Minnesota Mark Ritchie- Mark Ritchie for Secretary of State Chris Georgacas-Former Minnesota GOP Chair Keith Langseth- Chair of the Senate Capital Investment Committee Jerry Samargia-Phone Vendor Lori Swanson-Minnesota’s Attorney General Brian Sullivan-The Republican National Committeeman Jeff Blodgett- Executive Director of Wellstone Action Bob Schroeder- Chief of Staff to Tim Pawlenty Sara Grewing- Chief for Staff to St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman Ken Martin- A Democratic Political Operative Andy O’Leary-Executive Director of the Minnesota Democratic Farmer Labor Party Rebecca Otto-Minnesota’s State Auditor Annette Meeks- Republican Party’s Candidate for Lt. Governor Yvonne Prettner Solon- State Senator Rich Stanek-The Hennepin County Sheriff Stanley Crooks- Chair of the Shakopee Dakota Tribe and is a Democratic donor. Paul Thissen-State Representative Dan Cramer- Co-founder of Grassroots Solutions Brian McClung- Runs Minnesota Foward Tina Smith-Served as Chief of Staff for Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak Ben Golnik – Served as Regional Director of John McCain’s presidential campaign Denise Cardinal- Executive Director for The Alliance for a Better Minnesota Javier Morillo-Alicea-SEIU Organizer Scott Cottington- Political Consultant Mike Kennedy-Runs election operations for Democrats in Minnesota Jim Abeler –State Representative Jaime Tincher- Ran Margaret Anderson Kelliher’s campaign for governor Jeff Johnson- Hennepin County Commissioner Matt Dean-Matt Dean for State Representative Tarryl Clark- Tarryl Clark for Congress Shanna Woodbury-GOP Fundraiser Lou Frillman- Democratic Donor Erin Murphy- Elect Erin Murphy Bill McCarthy- Head of the Minneapolis Regional Labor Federation Ron Schutz- Attorney and GOP Fundraiser Alex Conant-Official Spokesman for Gov. Pawlenty’s federal PAC. Harry Melander-Head of St. Paul Building and Construction Trades Council Tom Rukavina-Rukavina for Minnesota Governor 2010 Don Ness-Mayor of Duluth, MN Ross Kramer- Minnesota Lobbyist Laura Brod-State Representative Steve Knuth- CEO of Public Affairs Co. Kevin Goodno- The Former Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Health Services David Hann-David Hann for State Senator David Lillehaug-Adviser for DFL candidates Brian Rice-Ran floor operations for one DFL candidate for governor Andy Parrish-Adviser to Bachmann Judy Cook-Minnesota Lobbyist Chris Tiedeman-Republican Political Consultant Mark Drake-Spokesman for Minnesota Republican Party Peggy Flannagan-Director of Native American Leadership Program for Wellstone Action Keith Downey-Rep. Keith Downey, State House of Representatives, Edina 41A Ted Grindal-Lobbyist at the State Capitol Jack Uldrich-The Independence Party Chair