Palin’s Impressive Haul
Sarah Palin’s political action committee “SarahPAC” released a hefty second quarter fundraising report this Sunday, bolstering the argument of those who believe she is positing herself for a presidential run in 2012.
With $866,000 raised this quarter, she collected more than any other potential 2012 contender except Mitt Romney.
Palin spent $654,000 last quarter and the lion’s share of which went to HSP Direct, a Virginia-based direct mail fundraising firm. A significant amount also went to private and commercial airfare to shuttle Palin to and from high profile speaking engagements. Among those was the Southern Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans this past April.
For all the public pronouncements from Palin about the coming wave of “mama grizzlies” seeking to liberate Washington from its present liberal occupation, she has not contributed much to their campaigns. “SarahPAC” has contributed less than $100,000 to 22 candidates for nation wide office, only three of whom were women: Senate candidates Sharron Angle and Carly Fiorina, and California House candidate, Star Parker.
Sarah Palin continues to employ several consulting firms, many of whom she began a relationship with during the 2008 Presidential campaign. Orion Strategies, NorthStar Strategies and Aries Petra Consulting, LLC include some of the inside-the-beltway firms helping shape Palin’s image.
In the country at large, Texas-based Upstream Communications, Ohio’s Grey Strategies and Alaska’s True North L’Attitudes also draw a significant income from “SarahPAC.”
Those within her orbit have been profiting handsomely from her high profile status. All told, Palin has assembled a significant donor list and will have a large pool to draw from if and when she commits to a 2012 Presidential run.Noah Rothman is the online editor at C&E. Email him at