Politics for March 2010: Money Issues Here, Safety Concerns Abroad
Welcome to the March 2010 issue of Campaigns & Elections’ Politics magazine. This edition focuses on international consulting, but we’ll get to those stories in just a minute.
This issue kicks off with a special section looking at the recent Supreme Court decision that has rocked the campaign finance world. The first piece looks beyond the rhetoric at what the Citizens United decision actually says, and the second story tries to ferret out the practical implication of the Court’s ruling. Next up, we ask: Should media consultants really be jumping for joy? To close out the section, there’s a look at the unresolved questions Citizens United leaves for the upcoming midterms.
Staying on the domestic front, Jon Lerner fills us in on his work for the Club for Growth and other conservative candidates in this month’s Movers & Shakers.
The cover story for March is written by CQ-Roll Call’s Shira Toeplitz, who talked to consultants working in conflict zones around the world. The question: Are the risks worth the rewards? Read her report here to find out.
Shane D’Aprile, our senior editor, and Jeremy P. Jacobs, our staff writer, continue the international theme with a tour of the world’s campaigns and elections. They asked some of the international scene’s best political advisers to point out what they saw as the biggest differences beyond our borders. As they write, it’s important when working globally to think locally.
This month’s case study comes from the London office of the Blue State Digital. Dan Thain and Matthew McGregor detail the work their firm did on behalf of the “Hope Not Hate” campaign in the United Kingdom–using online and offline efforts together to build support and get out the vote.
Check out the full table of contents for much more, and don’t forget it’s time to nominate your up-and-coming friends and colleagues for the 2010 Rising Stars.
Happy reading.James Klatell is the managing editor of Politics magazine.