Poll: Brown More Popular Than Obama, Kerry
More than six months into his first term, Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) is getting high marks from his constituents. A Boston Globe poll released Monday showed that Brown is the most popular pol in Massachusetts.
More than half – 55 percent – of Massachusetts respondents have a favorable view of Brown. That’s better than Sen. John Kerry (52 percent). It’s also better than President Obama (54 percent). Perhaps even more impressive: A plurality of Democrats view Brown favorably.
Another interesting finding in the poll that supports something we touched on in our April cover story on Brown’s campaign is that Brown’s support isn’t coming from Tea Partiers. Less than a quarter of those polled said they support the Tea Party movement.
Brown is walking a fine line so far in the Senate, trying to follow through on becoming the independent voice he promised to be during his campaign. He voted against healthcare reform and repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” He appears to be willing to work with Democrats on climate change legislation, however, and initially supported the Democrats’ Wall Street reform package. His support for that bill appears to be wavering, however, and he may now represent the vote that keeps the Democrats from a filibuster proof majority. He also now appears to be getting some flack for his negotiations to create exceptions in the bill to the so-called “Volcker rule,” which would prohibit banks from most forms of proprietary trading.
Another interesting note in the Globe’s write up: Some Democrats appear to be urging Vicki Kennedy, Sen. Ted Kennedy’s widow, to challenge Brown in 2012. There was plenty of speculation following Kennedy’s death that Democrats would have differed to Vicki if she wanted to run in the special election.
Who will challenge Brown in 2012 is the big question in Massachusetts Democratic Party these days. Several members of the congressional delegation – such as Reps. Stephen Lynch (D) and Michael Capuano (D) – are considered highly ambitious (Capuano lost in the special election primary to Martha Coakley). Another possibility: Former Rep. and current University of Massachusetts Lowell President Marty Meehan.
The Globe poll was conducted by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center from July 17-23. There was a margin of error of 4.2 percent.Jeremy P. Jacobs is the deputy editor at C&E. Email him at jjacobs@campaignsandelections.com Follow him @jeremypjacobs