Prominent GOP consultants join gay marriage brief
Nearly a dozen notable Republican political consultants are among the 80 members of the GOP submitting a friend of the court brief to the Supreme Court before justices hear arguments in two cases that could legalize gay marriage.
The consultants who signed the letter:
• Alex Castellanos, Founding Partner, Purple Strategies
• Ben Ginsberg, Partner, Patton Boggs
• Dave Kochel, Founder, Redwave Communications
• Alex Lundry, Vice President and Director of Research, TargetPoint Consulting
• Mark McKinnon, Senior Advisor, Hill + Knowlton Strategies
• Mike Murphy, Republican consultant
• Patrick Ruffini, President, Engage
• Steve Schmidt, Vice Chairman of Public Affairs, Edelman
• Mike Turk, Partner, Wade Strategic Communications
• Bob Wickers, President and CEO, The Wickers Group
Other signers include Ken Mehlman, former RNC chairman and George W. Bush campaign manager; David Frum, a former Bush speechwriter; Rich Galen, former press secretary to House Speaker Newt Gingrich; Ken Spain, former NRCC communications director; and former FEC Chairman Michael Toner.