THE LIST: Our Annual Consultant Scorecard (Bu – Fa)
THE LIST: Our Annual Consultant Scorecard (Bu – Fa)
W = Won general election (with no competitive primary, or vendor
wasn’t involved in primary)
L = Lost general election (with no competitive primary, or vendor
wasn’t involved in primary)
W/W = Won a competitive primary and the general election
W/L = Won a competitive primary, but lost the general election
W/W/W = Won a primary, a run-off and the general election
Wp or Lp = Won or lost the primary
RO = Run-off, election hadn’t taken place by press time
TC = Race was too close to call as of press time
I-E = Client was an independent expenditure or issue advocacy effort
that was not, or may not have been, affiliated with any candidate
Ws or Ls = Won or lost special election
(in) = Incumbent
(open) = Race was for an open seat
THE LIST: Our Annual Consultant Scorecard (A – Br)
THE LIST: Our Annual Consultant Scorecard (Fr – K)
THE LIST: Our Annual Consultant Scorecard (L – Pr)
THE LIST: Our Annual Consultant Scorecard (Pu – Sm)
THE LIST: Our Annual Consultant Scorecard (St – Wh)
THE LIST: Our Annual Consultant Scorecard (Wi – X)
THE LIST: Our Annual Consultant Scorecard (Z)
Bulldog Finance Group/D – Fundraising
Larry Kissell (in), NC, H18 W
Pat Miles (open) MI, H03 L
Lori Albin (open), MD, state Rep. L
Darryl Hicks (open) GA, Labor Commissioner L
Democratic National Committee –
Young Democrats of America –
Bullseye Interactive Media/D – Internet/New Media
Barbara Boxer (in), CA, U.S. Sen. W
Joe Manchin (open), WV, U.S. Sen. W
Chet Culver (in), IA, Gov. L
Mark Ritchie (in), MN, Sec. of State W
BuzzMaker/D – Internet
Elaine Marshall, NC, U.S. Sen. W/L
Alan Grayson (in), FL, H08 L
Martin Heinrich (in), NM, H01 W
Steve Israel (in), NY, H02 W
Ben Ray Lujan (in), NM, H03 W
Jared Polis (in), CO, H02 W
Mark Schauer (in), MI, H07 L
Ethan Berkowitz, AK, Gov. W/L
Jerry Brown (open), CA, Gov. W
Brian Colon (open), NM, Lt. Gov. W/L
Susan Bysiewicz (open), CT, Att. General DO
Chris Kelly (open), CA, Att. General Lp
Barbara Ann Radnofsky, TX, Att. General L
Steve Grossman (open), MA, State Treasurer W/W
Tom Torlakson (open), CA, State Superintendent W
Brian Egolf, NM, state Rep. W
Democratic Party of New Mexico for: I-E
Harry Teague, NM, H02 L
Diane Denish (open), NM, Gov. L
Joao Alberto, Maranhao, Brazil, Sen. W
Vicentinho Alves, Tocantins, Brazil, Sen. L
Cassio Cunha Lima, Paraiba, Brazil, Sen. W
Edison Lobao, Maranhao, Brazil, Sen. W
Joao Ribeiro, Tocantins, Brazil, Sen. W
Marta Suplicy, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Sen. W
Demostenes Torres (in), Goais, Brazil, Sen. W
Siqueira Campos, Tocantins, Brazil, Gov. W
Helio Costa, Minas Gerais, Brazil, Gov. W
Ricardo Coutinho, Paraiba, Brazil, Gov. W
Roseana Sarney (in), Maranhao, Brazil, Gov. W
Paulo Skaf, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Gov. L
The Campaign Group, Inc./DGeneral/
Media Consulting
Chris Coons (open), DE, U.S. Sen. W
Elaine Marshall, NC, U.S. Sen. L
Joe Sestak (open), PA, U.S. Sen. W/L
John Adler (in), NJ, H03 L
Henry Cuellar (in), TX, H28 W
Bob Filner (in), CA, H51 W
Steve Kagen (in), WI, H08 L
Jim Langevin (in), RI, H02 W
Bryan Lentz (open), PA, H07 L
Brad Miller (in), NC, H13 W
Doug Pike, PA, H06 Lp
Jared Polis (in), CO, H02 W
Linda Sanchez (in), CA, H39 W
Loretta Sanchez (in), CA, H47 W
Adam Smith (in), WA, H09 W
Harry Teague (in), NM, H02 L
Ned Lamont (open), CT, Gov. Lp
Libby Mitchell (open), ME, Gov. L
Dan Onorato (open), PA, Gov. W/L
Tom Miller (in), IA, Att. General W
Michael Mauro (in), IA, Sec. of State L
Michael Fitzgerald (in), IA, Treasurer W
David Pepper (open), OH, State Auditor L
Derek Kilmer (in), WA, state Sen. W
Jim Gray, KY, Lexington Mayor W
Rosie Cuellar-Castillo, TX, Laredo Municipal Court Judge W
The Campaign Network/D – General Consulting,
Direct Mail, Internet
Steve Kagen (in), WI, H08 L
Cedric Richmond, LA, H02 W
Campaign Solutions/Connell Donatelli, Inc./R –
Tim Bridgewater, UT, U.S. Sen. Lp
Richard Burr, NC, U.S. Sen. W
Carly Fiorina, CA, U.S. Sen. W/L
Mark Kirk, IL, U.S. Sen. W
Ovide Lamontagne, NH, U.S. Sen. Lp
Sue Lowden, NV, U.S. Sen. Lp
John McCain, AZ, U.S. Sen. W
Peter Schiff, CT, U.S. Sen. Lp
Jay Townsend, NY, U.S. Sen. L
Sandy Adams, FL, H24 W
Steve Austria, OH, H07 W
Michele Bachmann, MN, H06 W
Lou Barletta, PA, H11 W
Robert Beadles, CA, H11 Lp
Sean Bielat, MA, H04 L
Judy Biggert, IL, H13 W
John Boehner, OH, H08 W
Joseph Cao, LA, H02 L
Rodney Frelinghuysen, NJ, H11 W
Virginia Foxx, NC, H05 W
Nan Hayworth, NY, H19 W
Tim Healy, NY, H14 L
Jeb Hensarling, TX, H05 W
Tim Huelskamp, KS, H01 W
Robert Hurt, VA, H05 W
Steve King, IA, H05 W
Ilario Pantano, NC, H07 L
Starr Parker, CA, H37 L
Mike Pence, IN, H06 W
Richard Pombo, CA, H19 Lp
Bill Posey, FL, H15 W
Mike Prendergast, FL, H11 L
Ben Quayle, AZ, H03 W
David Rivera, FL, H25 W
Peter Roskan, IL, H06 W
Scott Sipprelle, NJ, H12 L
Paul Wasserman, NY, H18 Lp
Daniel Webster, FL, H08 W
Kevin Yoder, KS, H03 W
Lou Anne Zelenik, TN, H06 Lp
Duke Aiona, HI, Gov. L
Tom Foley, CT, Gov. L
Pete Hoekstra, MI, Gov. Lp
Bill McCollum, FL, Gov. Lp
Henry McMaster (open), SC, Gov. Lp
Zach Wamp, TN, Gov. Lp
Lynn Finnegan, HI, Lt. Gov. L
Pam Bondi, FL, Att. General W
Ross Garber, CT, Att. General Lp
Jeff Atwater, FL, CFO W
Tom Harman, CA, state Sen. Lp
Ronda Storms, FL, state Sen. W
Dean Cannon, FL, state Rep. W
Gayle Harrell, FL, state Rep. W
Marc Molinaro, NY, state Rep. W
Will Weatherford, FL, state Rep. W
Bill Horn, CA, San Diego Supervisor W
Ron Roberts (in), CA, San Diego Supervisor W
Bill Gore, CA, San Diego Co. Sheriff W
Yes on Proposition D, CA, San Diego W
No on Proposition 19, CA W
22 West –
Alabama Farmers Federation –
American Freedom and Enterprise Foundation –
American Highway Users Alliance –
Americans for New Leadership –
Americans for Fair Taxation –
Americans United for Life –
Americans United for Life Action –
Beckett Fund for Religious Liberty –
California Republican Party –
Citizens for the Republic –
Connecticut Republican Party –
Country First PAC –
Delaware GOP –
Duke Aiona –
Hands off My Healthcare – a project of Americans for Prosperity –
Harry Reid Votes, Inc –
Keep America Safe –
Michele PAC –
National Federation of Independent Businesses –
National Organization for Marriage –
Playoff PAC –
Republican National Committee –
Super PAC –
Taxpayers Against Earmarks –
Traditional Values Coaltion –
VOICES of Conservative Women PAC –
The Chadderdon Group/D – Direct Mail
Krystal Ball, VA, H01 L
Jim Moran (in), VA, H08 W
Peter Shumlin (open), VT Gov. W
Elizabeth Roberts (inc), RI, Lt. Gov. W
Jim Condos (open), VT, Sec. of State W
Sam Wercinski (open), AZ, Sec. of State L
Kate Marshall (in), NV, Treasurer W
Kevin Lembo (open), CT, Comptroller W
Staci Appel (in), IA, state Sen. L
Daryl Beall (in), IA, state Sen. W
Dennis Black (in), IA, state Sen. W
Tod Bowman (open), IA, state Sen. TC
Allison Edwards (open), NV, state Sen. L
Aaron Ford (open), NV, state Sen. L
Bill Heckroth (in), IA, state Sen. L
Ruben Kihuen (open), NV, state Sen. W
Keith Kreiman, IA, state Sen. TC
Sheila Leslie (open), NV, state Sen. W
Rick Mullin (open), IA, state Sen. L
Rich Olive (in), IA, state Sen. L
Tammy Peterson, NV, state Sen. L
Herman Quirmbach (in), IA, state Sen. W
Amanda Ragan (in), IA, state Sen. W
Becky Schmitz (in), IA, state Sen. L
Joyce Woodhouse (in), NV, state Sen. L
Benny Yerushalmi (open), NV, state Sen. L
Lori Albin, MD, state Rep. W
Judy Barker (in), TN, state Rep. L
Butch Borchert (in), TN, state Rep. L
Ty Cobb (in), TN, state Rep. L
Sam Coleman (in), TN, state Rep. L
George Fraley (in), TN, state Rep. L
Chris Irvin, GA, state Rep. L
Jack Lance, GA, state Rep. L
Elena Parent, GA, state Rep. W
Charles Ray Raines, TN, state Rep. L
Mike Turner (in), TN, state Rep. W
Joanna Conti, MD, Anne Arundel Co. Exec. L
City of Biddeford, ME, Question One W
Maine League of Conservation Voters for: I-E
Dawn Hill (in), ME, state Sen. W
John Piotti (in), ME, state Sen. L
Deb Simpson (in), ME, state Sen. L
David Van Wie (in), ME, state Rep. L
SC Coordinated Campaign L
CivicNext/R – Communications & New Media
Luther Strange (open), AL, Att. General W
CMA Strategies/ R- General Consulting
Mike Pompeo (open) KS, H04 W
Todd Lamb (open) OK, Lt. Gov. W
Scott Pruitt (open) OK, Att. General W
Janet Barresi (open), OK, State Superintendent W
No on SQ 744, OK, State Question W
Common Growth Strategies/N – Media, Campaign
Gail Parker, VA, H01 L
Daniel Imperato (open), FL, Gov. L
ConklinScott/D – National Fundraising
Kevin Boyce (in), OH, Treasurer L
Dark Horse Strategy Group/ R – General Consulting
Jim Lee, SC, H04 Lp
Tom Corbin, SC, state Rep. W
Randy English, SC, state Rep. L
Darrison Barrett & Associates, LLC/D –
Strategic, General, Fundraising
Joe Garcia, FL, H25 L
Carolyn B. Maloney, NY, H14 W
Walt Minnick, ID, H01 L
Cedric Richmond, LA, H02 W
Christopher St. Lawrence, NY, Lt. Gov. WD
Didi Barrett, NY, state Sen. L
Mike Kaplowitz, NY, state Sen. L
Jonathan Bing, NY, state Rep. W
Datastrategia Consultores/N –
General Consulting and New Media
Parliamentary Elections (opposition), Venezuela,
Miranda state W
The Dawn Group/D – General Consulting, Opposition
Research, Media, Messaging, Online Consulting
Neil Durrance, TX, H26 L
Hank Gilbert, TX, Gov. WD
Farouk Shami, TX, Gov. L
Chad Khan, TX, Harris Co. Treasurer WD
Jeff Weems, TX, Railroad Commissioner L
Hank Gilbert, TX, Agriculture Commissioner L
Arab American Voters (Non-Partisan) –
Democratic Women of Denton County –
Stonewall Democrats of Denton County –
Wood County, Texas Democratic Party –
Devine Mulvey/D – Media
Chris Carney (in), PA, H10 L
Kathy Dahlkemper (in), PA, H03 L
Zack Space (in), OH, H18 L
Lincoln Chafee (open), RI, Gov. W
Eliot Cutler (open), ME, Gov. L
Farouk Shami, TX, Gov. Lp
Ashley Cooper (open), SC, Lt. Gov. L
Kevin Boyce (in), IL, State Treasurer L
Tim Soloboy (in), PA, state Sen. W
Charlie Dooley (in), MO, St. Louis Co. Exec. W
Tom Kilbride (in), IL, Illinois Supreme Court W
Demoratic State Senate Campaign Committee for: I-E
Dan Demarco, PA, state Sen. L
Democratic Party Illinois for: I-E
Dan Biss (open), IL, state Rep. W
Dan Burke (in) , IL, state Rep. W
Fred Crespo (in), IL, state Rep. W
Keith Farnham (in), IL, state Rep. W
Bob Flider (in), IL, state Rep. L
Jehan Gordan (in), IL, state Rep. W
Eddie Jackson (in), IL, state Rep. W
Charles Landers (open), IL, state Rep. L
Michael Macellaio (in), IL, state Rep. Lp
Karen May (in), IL, state Rep. W
Emily McAsey (in), IL, state Rep. W
Kevin McCarthy (in), IL, state Rep. W
Michelle Mussman (open), IL, state Rep. W
Carol Sente (in), IL, state Rep. W
Michael Smith (in), IL, state Rep. L
Mark Walker (in), IL, state Rep. L
North Carolina House Democratic Caucus for: I-E
Mott Blair (open), NC, state Rep. L
Van Braxton (in), NC, state Rep. L
William Brisson (in), NC, state Rep. W
Chris Heagarty (in), NC, state Rep. L
Hugh Holliman (in), NC, state Rep. L
Grier Martin (in), NC, state Rep. W
Diane Parfitt (in), NC, state Rep. W
Randy Stewart (in), NC, state Rep. L
Collie Tarleton (in), NC, state Rep. L
Jennifer Weiss (in), NC, state Rep. W
Jane Whilden (in), NC, state Rep. L
Arthur Williams (in), NC, state Rep. L
Discessio, LLC/R – General Consulting
Sylvia Allen (in), AZ, state Sen. W
Scott Bundgaard (open), AZ, state Sen. W
Linda Gray (in), AZ, state Sen. W
Gail Griffin, AZ, state Sen. W
Lori Klein (open), AZ, state Sen. W
Al Melvin (in), AZ, state Sen. W
Rick Murphy (open), AZ, state Sen. W
Russell Pearce (in), AZ, state Sen. W
Don Shooter, AZ, state Sen. W
Steve Smith, AZ, state Sen. W
Cecil Ash (in), AZ, state Rep. W
Brenda Barton (open), AZ, state Rep. W
Judy Burges (in), AZ, state Rep. W
Chester Crandell (open), AZ, state Rep. W
Tom Forese (open), AZ, state Rep. W
David Gowan (in), AZ, state Rep. W
Jack Harper (in), AZ, state Rep. W
Peggy Judd (open), AZ, state Rep. W
Steve Montenegro (in), AZ, state Rep. W
Carl Seel (in), AZ, state Rep. W
David Smith (open), AZ, state Rep. W
David Stevens (in), AZ, state Rep. W
Michelle Ugenti (open), AZ, state Rep. W
Ted Vogt (in), AZ, state Rep. W
Jerry Weiers (in), AZ, state Rep. W
Jim Weiers (in), AZ, state Rep. W
Kimberly Yee (open), AZ, state Rep. W
Dover Group (,
Direct Mail, Online, General
Robin Carnahan (open), MO, U.S. Sen. L
Martha Coakley (open), MA, U.S. Sen. Ws/Ls
Carol Shea-Porter (in), NH, H01 L
Betty Sutton (in), OH, H13 W
Niki Tsongas (in), MA, H05 W
Tom Holland (open), KS, Gov. L
Anthony Hardy Williams (open), PA, Gov. Lp
Chris Biggs (in), KS, Sec. of State W/L
Chris Doherty (open), PA, state Sen. Lp
Dublin Group/R – Fundraising and
General Consulting
Vicky Hartzler, MO, H04 W
Lynn Jenkins (in), KS, H02 W
Kevin Yoder (open), KS, H03 W
Ron Estes, KS, State Treasurer W
Marvin Kleeb (in), KS state Rep. W
Scott Schwab (in), KS, state Rep. W
Sheryl Spalding (in), KS, state Rep. W
Ed Eilert, KS, Johnson Co. Chair W
Kansas Republican Party –
East Meridian Strategies/R – Direct Mail and Phones,
General Consulting and Fundraising
Kelly Ayotte (open), NH, U.S. Sen. W
John McCain (in), AZ, U.S. Sen. W
Randy Hultgren, IL, H14 W
Republican National Committee –
Election Impact Group/N – General Consulting
Jim Bender, UT, U.S. Sen. Lp
Tim Bridgewater, UT, U.S. Sen. Lp
Danny Tarkanian, NV, U.S. Sen. Lp
Charlotte Bergmann, TN, H09 W/L
Gunner DeLay, AK, H03 Lp
Jeff Duncan, SC, H03 W/W
Kay Granger, TX, H12 W/W
Parker Griffith, AL, H05 Lp
Gresham Barrett, SC, Gov. Lp
Rick Perry, TX, Gov. W
Elevare Communications/R – General Consulting
John Stephen, NH, Gov. L
emotive/R – Internet/Web Consulting
Rob Portman, OH, U.S. Sen. W
David Vitter, LA, U.S. Sen. W
Chris Dudley, OR, Gov. L
Bill Haslam, TN, Gov. W
John Kasich, OH, Gov. W
American Crossroads –
Club for Growth –
College Republican National Committee –
Haley’s PAC –
National Republican Congressional Committee for: I-E
John Boehner for Speaker –
Engage/R – Media Consulting
John Raese (open), WV, U.S. Sen. L
Lou Barletta, PA, H11 W
Dan Benishek (open), MI, H01 W
Michael Burgess (in), TX, H26 W
Geoff Davis (in), KY, H04 W
Charles Djou (in), HI, H01 L
Sean Duffy (open), WI, H07 W
Renee Ellmers, NC, H02 W
Pat Meehan (open), PA, H07 W
John Mica (in), FL, H07 W
Tom Latham (in), IA, H04 W
Defeat 1098, WA W
Engelstad Consulting LLC/R –
Web Design/Consulting
Dave Dotterrer, OR, state Sen. TC
Mary Kremer, OR, state Sen. L
Frank Morse (in), OR, state Sen. W
Chuck Thomsen (open), OR, state Sen. W
Rob Wheeler, OR, state Sen. L
Jackie Winters (in), OR, state Sen. W
Bill Kennemer (in), OR, state Rep. W
Andy Olson (in), OR, state Rep. W
Julie Parrish (open), OR, state Rep. W
Sherrie Sprenger (in), OR, state Rep. W
Jim Thomsen (in), OR, state Rep. W
Jim Weidner (in), OR, state Rep. W
Exata Consulting/N –
General Campaign Management Consulting
Roberto Teixeira, Pernambuco, Brazil, Federal Deputy W
Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin, Metz & Associates (FM3
Research)/D – Polling/Strategy
Russ Feingold (in), WI, U.S. Sen. L
Patty Murray (in), WA, U.S. Sen. W/W
Patriot Majority PAC for: I-E
Harry Reid, NV, U.S. Sen. W
Suzan DelBene, WA, H08 L
Steve Kagen (in), WI, H08 L
Rick Larsen (in), WA, H02 W
Mike Thompson (in), CA, H01 W
Tom Barrett (open), WI, Gov. L
Jerry Brown (open), CA, Gov. W
Peter Corroon, UT, Gov. L
John Kitzhaber (open), OR, Gov. W/W
Dave Jones, CA, Insurance Commissioner W
Bill Lockyer (in), CA, Treasurer W
Janice Hahn, CA, Lt. Gov. Lp
Scott Hassett, WI, Att. General L
Juan Vargas (open), CA, state Sen. W/W
Joan Buchanan (in), CA, state Rep. W/W
Nora Campos (open), CA, state Rep. W/W
Gil Cedillo (open), CA, state Rep. W/W
Alyson Huber (in), CA, state Rep. W/W
Roger Dickinson (open), CA, state Rep. W/W
Jared Huffman (in), CA, state Rep. W/W
Das Williams (open), CA, state Rep. W
Larry Aceves, CA, Supt. of Public Instruction L
Robert Rivas, CA, San Benito Co. Supervisor W
Jeff Rosen (open), CA, Santa Clara County
District Attorney W/W
Joseph Berrios, IL, Cook Co. Assesssor W
John Noguez, CA, Los Angeles Co. Assessor W
No on Prop 302, AZ (elimination of early childhood funding) W
Yes on Prop 21, CA (state parks funding) L
Yes on Prop 22, CA (protect local funds) W
No on Prop 23, CA (Global Warming Regulations) W
Yes on Question 1, IA (land/water protection) W
Yes on Prop A, MO (earnings tax issues) W
Yes on Prop B, MO (dog breeding regulation) W
Yes on Measure 76, OR (parks/land protection) W
Yes on Initiative 1098, WA (income tax) L
Yes on Referendum 52, WA (energy efficiency in
schools funding) L
Yes on Measure 1, TX, San Antonio
(water/land protection) W
Yes on Measure 2, TX, San Antonio (parks funding) W
Yes on Measure J, CA, San Francisco (hotel tax) L
Yes on Measure N, CA, San Francisco
(property transfer fee) W
Yes on Measure B, CA, San Francisco
(earthquake bond 2/3s required) W
No on Prop B, CA, San Francisco
(employee benefit cut 2/3s required) W
Yes on Measure U, CA, San Jose (marijuana tax) W
Yes on Measure K, CA, San Jose (cardroom measure) W
Yes on Prop D, CA, San Diego (1/2 cent sales tax) L
Yes on Prop C, CA, San Diego City (development) W
Yes on Measure V, CA, Riverside (hotel tax) W
Yes on Measure P, CA, Huntington Beach
(.1% utility tax reduction) W
Yes on Measure P, CA, Santa Rosa (quarter cent sales tax) W
Yes on Measure R, CA, South El Monte (1/2 cent sales tax) W
No on Measure L, CA, Menlo Park (employee benefits cut) L
No on Measure U, CA, Richmond (casino issues) W
Yes on Measure S, CA, Santa Fe Springs (5% utility tax) W
Yes on Measure H, CA, Carson (1 cent sales tax) L
Yes on Measure S, CA, Indio (3% utility tax) W
Yes on Measure B, CA, Santa Clara Valley
Transportation Authority W
Yes on Measure C, CA, St. Helena (1/2 cent sales tax) L
Yes on Measure A, CA, Bellflower (2% utility tax) L
Yes on Measure Y, CA, Santa Monica (1/2 cent sales tax) W
Yes on Measure G, CA, Desert Hot Springs
(public safety parcel tax rates renewal) W
Yes on Measure H, CA, Cathedral City
(fiscal emergency measure – 1 cent sales tax) W
Yes on Measure E, CA, Rohnert Park (1/2 cent sales tax) W
Yes on Measure J, CA, Santa Clara (lease of city land) W
Yes on Measure M, CA, Marin Co.
(paramedic special tax, 2/3s required) W
Yes on Measure N, CA, Marin Co.
(fire protection special tax, 2/3s required) L
Yes on Measure A, CA, Santa Clara Co.
(children’s health funding, 2/3s required) L
Yes on Measure S, CA, Santa Barbara Co.
(public safety 1/2 cent tax, 2/3s required) L
Yes on Proposition 1, UT, Salt Lake Co. (facilities bond) W
Yes on Measure C, CA, Sacramento (marijuana tax) W
Yes on Duarte USD, CA, School Bond (55% required) W
Yes on Fresno USD, CA, School Bond (55% required) W
Yes on Madison College, WI, College Bond (50 +1 required) W
Yes on Measure B Milpitas USD, CA, Parcel Tax (55% required) W
Yes on Oakland USD, CA, School Parcel Tax (2/3s required) L
Yes on Ohlone Comm. College District, CA,
College Bond (55% required) W
Yes on San Diego USD, CA, School Parcel Tax (2/3s required) L
Yes on San Marcos USD, CA, School Bond (55% required) W
Yes on Sonoma Valley USD, CA, School Bond (55% required) W
Arizonans for a Better Future for: I-E
Terry Goddard, AZ, Gov. L
Citizens for a Progressive Wisconsin for: I-E
Chris Larson, WI, state Sen. W
Santa Clara Co. Labor Council for: I-E
Rich Gordon, CA, state Rep. W
Faulkner Strategies/R – Direct Mail
Jim Bender (open), NH, U.S. Sen. Lp
Scott Brown (open), MA, U.S. Sen. Ws
Marco Rubio (open), FL, U.S. Sen. W/W
Larry Buschon (open), IN, H08 W/W
Joe Heck, NV, H04 W/W
Adam Kinzinger, IL, H11 W
Raul Labrador, ID, H01 W/W
Spike Maynard, WV, H03 Wp
Ray McKinney, GA, H12 Wp
Todd Rokita (open), IN, H04 W/W
Jackie Walorski, IN, H02 W/L
Tom Wesley, MA, H02 Wp
Todd Young, IN, H09 W/W
Jim Banks (open), IN, state Sen. W/W
Jim Buck (in), IN, state Sen. W
Mike Delph (in), IN, state Sen. W
Ron Grooms, IN, state Sen. W
Elizabeth Halseth, NV, state Sen. W/W
Jim Smith, IN, state Sen. W
Jim Tomes, IN, state Sen. W
Tom Wyss (in), IN, state Sen. W
Rodney Anderson, TX, state Rep. W
Kris Crawford (in), SC, state Rep. W
Suzanne Crouch (in), IN, state Rep. W
Tom Dermody (in), IN, state Rep. Wp
Francis Ellert, IN, state Rep. Wp
Tibi Ellis, NV, state Rep. Lp
John French, CT, state Rep. L
Tom Grady (in), NV, state Rep. Wp
Jason Isaac, TX, state Rep. W
Cindy Kirchhofer, IN, state Rep. W
Rebecca Kubacki (open), IN, state Rep. Wp
Dan Leonard (in), IN, state Rep. Wp
Kevin Mahan, IN, state Rep. W
Wendy McNamara, IN, state Rep. W
Rhonda Rhoads, IN, state Rep. Wp
Jim Smith (open), NE, state Rep. W
John Szewcyzk, CT, state Rep L
Heath VanNatter (open), IN, state Rep. Wp
Mike Zelasky, CT, state Rep. L
Aiming Higher/Gov. Mitch Daniels PAC –
American Majority Action –
Arizona Victory –
BIPAC for: I-E
Mike Thompson, OK, H05 Lp
Colorado Victory –
Indiana Republican Party –
Republican Party of Florida –
Republican State Leadership Committee –