Thursday Must-Reads: Still Specter
The Post runs a nice behind-the-scenes look at Specter’s decision, apparently made with the help of his grandchildren. The fallout over the decision continues, and suddenly Pat Toomey may not feel so loved by the GOP: Some are pushing Rep. Jim Gerlach to jump in the Republican primary. A new radio ad ties Specter to Bush—and it was released by the NRSC. Some senior Democratic senators, meanwhile, are unhappy that Specter gets to retain his 28 years of seniority. Our “High Road” for May, on which we’re encouraging your input, asked what you’d do if your boss switched parties. Now we’re seeing how that plays out in reality, as Specter loses some campaigners and puts his consultants in a jam. Meanwhile, in the rest of the political world…
In a new poll, Democrats retain a 7-point lead in party ID. The DCCC has an internal memo listing 29 GOP-held districts they’re targeting. Republicans are beginning their rebranding process with the “National Council for a New America,” which is holding a forum to find out what our “hopes and dreams are.” The ’09 gubernatorial races continue: in Virginia, surrogates are slinging mud and in New Jersey, Corzine is trying to cling to Obama’s buoyancy.