Tuesday Must-Reads: Bail-Out Politics
The big analyses in the papers notes Obama’s depleting political capital, thanks to the AIG bonuses. The bail out remains an issue, too, in local campaigns. Chris Christie, the Republican candidate who is leading over sitting New Jersey Gov. John Corzine, joins the chorus of his potential future gubernatorial colleagues by saying he would not accept stimulus money. Up in NY-20, meanwhile, an anti-Murphy, anti-bonus ad has been pulled for unsubstantiated claims.Gallup has released a poll on the Employee Free Choice Act, another current hot-button issue, that shows high support for making unionization easier. But a quick glance at the statistics show that while few Americans are following this debate closely, that support falls as attention increases. Sen. Arlen Specter, again a swing vote on this issue, was asked by Joe Biden to cross the aisle in 2010. He declined.Sarah Palin, buoyed by her enduring popularity among conservatives, will reemerge on the national scene in June, when she will keynote the GOP House-Senate dinner. Dems, too, have a few big names fundraising: Biden is already stumping for candidates and Obama will keynote a fundraising dinner next month, an early return to politicking for a president.After all the buzz in campaign circles of new media, now be warned: all your YouTube videos may be nothing but spam. Can we go ahead and say the same about campaign Tweets?