Wednesday Must-Reads
At last night’s press conference (transcript here), Obama maintained a mostly sober tone that the New York Times likened to a teacher lecturing a classroom. After a week of analyzing his flashier media appearances, the newspapers and blogs mostly left the president alone this time (though the NRSC uses the occasion to launch a new ad). Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter, still struggling within the Republican party in polls, announced yesterday that he would not support EFCA, the so-called “card check” bill that would make unionization easier. Though he remains open to the possibility of compromise, this reversal of his vote on the issue two years ago is seen as a response to primary pressure. Because Democrats still lack 60 votes, Specter’s decision effectively stalls the bill, though that may be a gift to the Obama administration, which otherwise would have otherwise angered business leaders. With less than a week left before the NY-20 vote, supporters are beginning the push to get out the vote, always important in a special election. Obama, who like the DNC has largely stayed away from the race, endorsed Democrat Scott Murphy in an email. Politico takes a look at the young and powerful Democrats that could fill in for Rahm Emmanuel in the House. The Supreme Court is considering a case, centered around an anti-Hillary documentary, that could cut back on campaign advertising limits.