ZataPulse Surveys: Introduction
Zata|3 Consulting conducts biweekly surveys to track opinions on the economy and other noteworthy issues. Noted below are the questions we’re asking of large samples of Asian Americans, African Americans, Caucasians, Mexican Americans and other Latinos.
Approximately what percentage of the federal budget would you say is spent on worthwhile projects and services? When you think about future generations, do you think America’s best days are ahead of us or behind us? When you think of your own financial situation, do you expect it to be better or worse a year from now? How would you rate Barack Obama’s efforts to promote racial equality in America? How do you think America’s recent performance on the world stage will affect our security here at home? We are using these interactive automated call surveys to track results by ethnicity, weighted for voter turnout. We measure the changes in opinion with an easy-to-understand index for each question. Tomorrow we will will begin posting the results, looking at responses on racial equality. We’re looking forward to the response to this information. About the SurveysThese ZataPulse surveys are conducted with random nationwide samples of 500 registered voters in each of the ethnicities noted. The margin of error is 4.4 percent at a 95-percent confidence interval. The survey waves are about 14 days apart. Survey results are weighted by income quintiles based on 2006 U.S. Census voter-turnout estimates but are not weighted by gender or vote frequency. The responses for the first question are weighted averages of the two-digit responses from the voters’ key-pad entries. Detailed survey results and an explanation of survey methodology are available at You will find tabulations for each ethnicity by income strata and comparisons with results from previous survey waves.Brad Chism is president of Zata3 Communications, a one-to-one communications company based in Washington, DC, serving a national client base of Democratic candidates and progressive organizations and interest groups.