Monday Must-Reads: Jersey Time
With a day to go until the gubernatorial primary, New Jersey Republicans are urging voters to get out and participate. Conservative candidate Steve Lonegan is still polling behind the more moderate Chris Christie, but the historically low turnout of primaries makes an upset possible. Though on the Democratic side incumbent Gov. Jon Corzine’s challengers are low profile enough to give him little worry. A week after tomorrow’s vote, Virginia voters will pick their Democratic gubernatorial nominee. Republican Bob McDonnell is unopposed within his party, and accepted the nomination over the weekend at an event that included some Mitt Romney endorsement and a lot of Terry McAuliffe bashing. Some history could be problematic on both sides; McAuliffe, the most likely Democratic nominee, is facing allegations that, as head of the DNC, he tried to pay Ralph Nader to avoid presidential battleground states in 2004 while McDonnell’s campaign manager has potentially problematic ties to a conservative Christian group. Potential GOP 2012 contenders are already making their way to Iowa to lay campaign groundwork. Is it too early? Ben Smith thinks early-starters have an advantage, though last year’s races may not support that idea. Obama, too, may be doing some quiet campaign work, as his ongoing low-level wooing of Pennsylvania has now been capped with an announcement that Pittsburgh will host next year’s G-20 summit. Other odds and ends:
Some Republican Hispanic strategists are a little put out by the anti-Sotomayor rhetoric being thrown around. Remember that 30-minute Obama “American Stories” ad? The families pictured are still struggling. Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell is blunt in telling Rep. Joe Sestak not to challenge Arlen Specter: He’ll get “killed” and “marginalized” if he runs. A term-limited state senator in Nevada may be gearing up for a run against Harry Reid What about Minnesota? The state’s Supreme Court is hearing arguments today, as voters still wait for their senator.