Obama Apologists Warming Up
Conservative Republican Jim Ellis and liberal Democrat Bennet Kelley present Filibanter, a combination of political filibuster and banter. Read Kelley’s perspective on the latest approval polls here.Barack Obama’s left-wing apologists, such as my Filibanter partner and friend Bennet Kelley, will soon be working overtime. The new Gallup job approval poll shows the president with his lowest rating, 58 percent, since assuming office. Rasmussen Reports data has him even lower—55 percent. People saying they disapprove of his fiscal policies now outnumber those who approve. It’s only the beginning. Come Election Day 2010, the American people will have enough information to judge the Obama policies and, if these latest numbers are any indication, Republicans will finally have a chance to gain momentum. In five short months, the president has all but nationalized the financial services, automobile and tobacco industries. Soon, he and his socialist allies in Congress will drive the final nails into the health care and energy industry coffins. Whether he knows it or not, the president is setting the table for strong Republican gains next year. Democrats control approximately 25 House seats that should be, considering 2001 redistricting and current district politics, in GOP hands. With an equal number of Democrats and Republicans now standing for election in the Senate, the GOP has the opportunity to rebound and gain strength in both houses of Congress. Come next year, the American voter will see nothing from Obama’s quadrupling of the federal deficit but hyperinflation and a multitrillion dollar tab. With government expanding to a record size and federal, state and local bureaucracies gobbling up all of the porkulus and budget money while producing few accomplishments, a Republican common-sense platform geared to enhancing private business—the only proven job-creating engine—will offer beleaguered voters a welcome respite from the current fiscal insanity. Jim Ellis is a former political adviser to the House Republican majority and currently provides election analysis for clients of the PRIsm Information Network. With Bennet Kelley he has formed Filibanter, which provides a live presentation combining political filibustering and banter.